Basic Training for SeisComP in Potsdam, Germany, 21 - 24 March, 2022

Dear SeisComP community,

I hereby again announce our very popular Beginner Training for SeisComP dating 21 - 24 March, 2022.
This Beginner Course is perfect for new SeisComP users who wish to get quickly started with a productive SeisComP system.

You get to learn about SeisComP from us - the main developers of this wide-spread OpenSource software package for real-time earthquake monitoring. Read all topics on our website.

In this regular training we will introduce SeisComP in the latest version to you. The training is highly hands-on oriented and very intensive. You get to learn and to practice actively at all times. Therefore, the registration to the training is open to everyone but limited to a maximum of 8 persons.

To maintain the high intensity of the training the course will be held in the classroom of our gempa offices where we will take all possible precautions against COVID-19.

You may find all further details including registration online in the announcement of the course.

See you soon in Potsdam!

Dirk Roessler

Hi community,

there is still a chance register for the training as we still have a very small number of open spots. Take a tour at the announcement of the training or at our events website for more opportunities.

See you soon in Potsdam!


We are very happy that we could successfully conduct our first in-person basic and advanced trainings since the Corona pandemic has impacted our daily life. Many thanks to you who trusted in this opportunity!

For those who could not participate last time we have just posted our new regular trainings in 2022 and 2023 [1]. They are now open for you to sign up.

See you soon in Potsdam!


[1] gempa GmbH - Events