Migrate to new server

Good day to all.
I need help with this scenario:
I compile a 100% functional Seiscomp server, ver 5.3, working with a fully configured network of 183 accelerographs.
Now, I acquired a new Server and I like to migrate the system to the new hardware.
I compile the new 6.5.1 version for the new hardware already, but I need to migrate all the configurations exactly as in the old server. Can this be done? Is there a list of files that need to be copied in order to migrate the configuration? Do I need to migrate the database too??
Thanks in advance for the help.

Basically you migrate all files from seiscomp/etc and all files you have created yourself elsewhere, e.g. in seiscomp/share. This may be map files (default: seiscomp/share/maps), seedlink buffer and SDS archive typically in seiscomp/var/libfiles, etc… If you have created any module aliases which are linked in seiscomp/bin, then migrate them as well.

After migrating the files, I recommend to install seiscomp again in order to update parameter defaults and parameter descriptions in seiscomp/etc .

Please note that our recommended way of installing and upgrading seiscomp is gsm [1]. gsm will take care of all your files in the install directory and will also purge all previously installed files such as libraries which are obsolete after upgrading. gsm also allows you to install seiscomp compiled from the latest source code on GitHub as nightly releases.

Instructions on database upgrades etc. are given in the SeisComP documentation [3].

[1] wget https://data.gempa.de/gsm/gempa-gsm.tar.gz
[2] Index of /packages/Public/seiscomp/
[3] Upgrading SeisComP — SeisComP Release documentation

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