Besides the major changes announced here and in the previous post, we have now also a new naming schema decided by your vote: no name, just version number! This is indeed the outcome of the poll and this is how we will continue from now on, we will simply refer to “SeisComP”, and include a version number when necessary.
In the coming weeks we will also redirect to and we plan to preserve all the old content there for about two more years. As for the old SeisComP3 code please note that there will be no further development except bug fixes where feasible.
Have you thought about releasing also a compiled version of Seiscomp4 distributed directly as an OpenStack, VmWare, Amazon AWS, etc … virtual machine?
Thanks in advance.
Not yet. Maintaining all the native OS packages is already a huge task. If someone wants to jump in and provide images then we are happy to link to them. Setting up a virtual machine with e.g. CentOS and unpack the binary package shouldn’t be too difficult I guess.
I have migrated a seiscomp3 installation to seiscomp4 and overall it was quite easy. I would like to report one detail that it might be worth mentioning in the release note though. The scmaster cofiguration is not backward compatible: we have the database connection configured in scmaster.cfg and it was not obvious from the release note that those parameters have changed. Not a big deal but it saves few head scratches to the users if that is clearly stated.
Hi, I was wondering if there are any upcoming plans for MacOS support? I have been attempting to compile from source, but I am afraid that the process eludes me. I do, however, have the program running successfully on a Ubuntu virtual machine!
Which plans do you have in mind? I do not use MacOS but I understood from working with someone who uses it that SeisComP compiles and runs nicely there.
We do indeed run SeisComP on macOS, with some modifications made by my colleague Gilles Celli for compiling (starting already with seiscomp3). He was working with @jabe particularly on scmaster for version 4, as far as I am aware of. I actually just forked the repositories in GitHub and pushed the modifications there (see Since I am pretty much a rookie in git, please forgive me if something is odd - I am happily accepting any criticism or suggestion.
I did not test every single SeisComP module, but for our usage (acquisition and archiving, as well as standard processing and the GUIs) it works fine, with 4.0.3 Development version.