We are happy to finally provide you with the third major SeisComP release version 6.
This release will upgrade your database schema to 0.13. The reason for that is that we have introduced a couple of new event types to classify volcanic events.
Please also note that we deprecate the SeisComP3 compatibility layer which will be removed with the next major release. Furthermore Qt4 is not supported anymore and you can only run the graphical user interfaces on system where Qt5 is available.
I would like to add that the SED SeisComP Contribution has updated NonLinLoc plugin to version 7.00 (it used to be version 6.00). To be precise it includes all the changes included in the NonLinLoc repositoty until commit SHA1 ID: cda2117948f87c98f602404340d13db901c63be7 (the new versions of NonLinLoc do not have a precise version number so here you have the commit number).
The updated plugin is backward compatible and does not require any change to the configuration. However, due to the amount settings, it is impossible to test all the possible option combinations, so you are strongly encouraged to test the new plugin against events relocated with the old version and make sure the new results are consistent with the previous solutions.
hello and thanks for this new verion 6ā¦
has this one been tested on new ubuntu 23 ?
im planning to buy a new ssd so should i install ubuntu 22 or 23?
did the install of seiscomp 6 changed compared to v5 or its the same proceidure ?
Also,id like to know if someone post a topic about how to do an update from an existing installationā¦like,how do i update from 5.5.10 to 6.x.x with the available fileā¦
like a detailed step by step how to to do it.
From my experience, when upgrading major version (e.g. 5.x.x ā 6.x.x) of SeisComP only 2 things have to be done:
Almost every new release brings an update to the database schema, so you simply have to update your current database with the script provided by the new version of Seiscomp (in seiscomp/share/db/migrations/)
If you are installing from binaries: the binaries are just a tarball that you can untar on top of the existing installations. The executable, libraries, default configuration files etc will be overwritten, but your own configuration files (in ~/.siescomp/ or seiscomp_root/etc/) will be unmodified.
if you are compiling, then I assume you know how to deal with git and ccmake. When you finally make install your installation will be overwritten, the same way as untarring the tarball of the binary distribution
There is also the gampa software management tool but I have never used it so i cannot help with that
update database schema
There are always 2 db schema update files, one for mysql (mariadb) and one for postgtresql.:
If you read the release note for v6.0.0 you can read "The database schema receives a small update and will increase the schema versionto 0.13. "
That means you have to use the script that upgrades the databsae schema from 0.12.1 (seiscomp 5.x) to 0.13 (seicomp 6).
Assuming you are using a mysql db run:
$ mysql -u sysop -h localhost -p seiscomp < seiscomp/share/db/migrations/mysql/0_12_1_to_0_13.sql
I have upgraded from 5.5.8 to 6.2.0 and know I am obtaining the next issue when trying to update-config:
After the plugins validation the next line said:
terminate called after throwing an instance of āSeiscomp::Core::DuplicateClassnameā
what(): CharArray
error: updating configuration for inventory failed
There is another error trying to open guis e.g. Scolv
sysop@tsunami01:/opt/seiscomp/bin$ scolv -u miguel --debug
qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 145 (Unknown), sequence: 181, resource id: 0, major code: 139 (Unknown), minor code: 20
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: .
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: /home/sysop/.seiscomp/plugins
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: /opt/seiscomp/lib/plugins
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: /opt/seiscomp/lib
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins
15:46:41 [debug] Adding plugin path: /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins/scolv
15:46:41 [debug] Trying to open plugin at /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins/dbmysql.so
15:46:41 [info] Plugin dbmysql registered
15:46:41 [debug] Trying to open plugin at /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins/fdsnxml.so
15:46:41 [info] Plugin fdsnxml registered
15:46:41 [debug] Trying to open plugin at /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins/hypo71.so
15:46:41 [info] Plugin hypo71 registered
15:46:41 [debug] Trying to open plugin at /opt/seiscomp/share/plugins/saic.so
terminate called after throwing an instance of āSeiscomp::Core::DuplicateClassnameā
what(): CharArray
I have upgraded the DB schema from 12_to_12.01 and subsequently from 12_01 _to_13
as you recommend.
For future reference: NonLinLoc v6.0 vs v7.0 change in GLOBAL transform behaviour.
We found out a small change in NLL v7.0 (Seiscomp 6) compare to the previous NLL v6.0 (seiscomp <= 5) when transform is set to GLOBAL. The old NLL code v6.0 didnāt consider the maxDistStaGrid parameter in LOCMETH statement, but NLL v7.0 does consider it. So it is a bug fix, but it results in a different behaviour.
From the doc: maxDistStaGrid (float) maximum distance in km between a station and the center of the initial search grid; phases from stations beyond this distance will not be used for event location